Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hello There London

Butterflies swarm in my stomach at 6 in the morning waking me up to the summers sun. As I finish the tasks needed before taking off to London I say my see you later's to family and friends and share my favorite Italian sandwiches with my grandparents.
We arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare. I got on my plane with ease and the flight was steady with good movies and plenty leg room. As the plane wheels bumped about onto the UK soil a smile creeped upon my face. I had made it , yet still I knew there was much more to encounter before I could fully count my success. Me and the other passengers ventured out into Heathrow Airport with eagerness as we entered into our individual English adventures. We were then parted by our different paths, some towards another flight destination , the rest to the border check. Again we are divided . A line for UK/UEA citizens , First Time Students and then everyone else. When I entered into the line I realized that I needed to have my offer letter . . . which I did not have. Trying to keep cool I approach the man behind the podium and he asks me for my offer letter. I kindly tell him with an innocent sweet smile, praying he lets me through. After I tell him I do not have it , he scolds me for a brief moment and then tells me that i'm lucky cause he's in a good mood, not that I could tell haha, but it was fine by me cause he said he would have cancelled my visa. Thanking God as I walked through I quickly raced my eyes around the airport trying to look nonchalant , not appearing to be too obvious of a newbie. As I race towards the baggage claim I run into a young man that was on my plane. He asked me where I am from in US and I tell him Pasadena and to my surprise he tells me he is from Claremont !! We discuss Claremont for sometime and then proceed to exchange info since he too is studying in London. Proceeding on to getting to the Tube ( the underground train) I find out that there is no way for me to carry all the luggage I have with me. So I call a taxi which was only 60 pounds, much better than previously priced at 160 pounds plus. Once in the cab the raindrops begin to fall upon the windshield , an almost lulling trance that sung my eyelids to sleep. Falling asleep in between conversations with the cab driver we pass thin freeways, green pastures and trees with industrial buildings and red brick houses. 45 minutes later we arrive in Loughton , a quaint little town with red brick houses and green green trees. I love the atmosphere , it feels surreal as if I was walking on a set or a street in Disneyland. My apartment is more of a narrow three story house. My room is cozy with a bit of a tropical twist to it , with a light blue door and a yellow desk. The house is so homey, I feel like i'm at home . Tayah and her boyfriend are great! She took me around Loughton and showed me the town and we went to the grocery store to get some stuff for my room and some food. We must have walked for an hour or so . But it felt like minutes. Loughton is so beautiful even with the rain. Once we arrived back I cooked a pizza , turned on the television and began to watch America's Next Top Model. I'm no longer tired which at 11 at night isn't too abnormal but I'll probably go to bed soon. Well tomorrow is the picnic where all the new students arrive and come to eat and commune with one another. So I'm sure I will have more to say . Till then, CIAO BELLE !


  1. I'm so happy for you Kelley! Send us updates whenever possible =)

  2. Kelley, It was great to see and talk with you on skype. We knew you would arrive safely! Once you get the converter to connect your camera to your laptop, I look forward to seeing pictures. I am reading the book you gave me and encourage you to 'Stay positive... Thoughts accumulate to become beliefs...We move toward, and become like, that which we think about... Our present thoughts determine our future.'

  3. HI Kelley, I sent you Pictures James took at your Bon Voyage. If you have to get them on facebook, let me know if I can do that. He added some writing ...They are really YOU and nice...Strange the frontal pix look like Kiki? Love you, be blessed and enjoy London. Can't wait until you comeback DIVA!

    Uncle Kene

  4. Thanks Uncle Kenny I received them ! Love the ones with writing and the flower and I reflecting hehe. Yeah those do like like Kiki this family has some strong genes !
    Love you too !
